Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Break '09

I think we'll have t-shirts made. "Swine Break '09" I praying for a peace from God, because right now I feel like I'm living in a media-paranoid environment. Over 36,000 people get the good ol regular flu every year, but two people in our town get the pig flu and they shut down the schools. Yes, you heard me correctly. School has been cancelled, along with every other extracurricular activity, until May 11th. Cameron will not get to go back to his Kids Kare class - their last day was slated to be May 12th. Caleb will not get to finish his t-ball season. This craziness is going to affect so many. I worry for my friends that work who have no where to take their children for the next two weeks. I feel badly for the kids whose prom was cancelled for this weekend.

**I just got a call from my friend while I am writing who said everything is closed - grocery stores, movies, libraries, no church services. UGH**

Be on the lookout for us - we could very well be on your front step tomorrow.


Ellen said...

You can come to my front step... as long as you don't have the swine flu! Have fun with your kiddies at home!

Aleesa said...

I assure you, Ellen, we do not have swine flu. We are going to re-evaluate things in the morning, but we may be up your way...