Wednesday, August 12, 2009

To Do List

I was doing my Bible Study this morning and was (as always) convicted - in a good way. I have several things I want to write out loud, but I'll start here.

I am a list maker. I come by it honestly - both of my parents are list makers, but I'd have to say my dad takes the cake on it. Many friends have laughed at me, but it is engrained in me, and I find solace in a good list. I make a weekly grocery list, a meal plan list, a weekly to-do list that is later broken down into a daily to-do lists. When travelling, I have packing lists, travel lists, and don't forget lists. The list could go on. I have also been known, when it doesn't look like much is getting scratched off the list, to add something I did that wasn't on there just to be able to cross it off.

For instance, this is my today to-do list. Don't laugh. At least not outloud.

Bible Study
call friend (left nameless so if said friend reads blog she doesn't get her feelings hurt that I had to put her on the to-do list)
Laundry (it's on everyday, pretty much)
make Cameron's bed
wrap gifts
clean bathrooms
pay bills
pick up house (it's heavy)
Spanish class
finish outdoor curtain
re-organize CM closet

As a mother, I always think my to-do list should be more like:
play games with kids
make playdough
read for an hour with boys
bake cookies
(as well as the other menial things, like laundry, so we have clean underwear and sheets to make beforementioned bed)

And, while I do some of those things, I always feel like I never do enough with them.

But, going further, as the Daughter of a King, seeking His wisdom what if my to-do list looked more like:

Bible Study
Be still, turn off phones, and pray
Read Bible for an hour
Seek His wisdom
Practice the 3 R's - request it, revere God, and receive counsel
Prayerfully seek Truth in my thoughts and actions

If I was honest with myself, and I sought to accomplish my King's to-do list, I'm thinking I would probably find that my daily have-to list would get accomplished too. Because, I think, all the clutter that fills up my day that really doesn't matter would fall away, and I would be left feeling Full and Complete.

1 comment:

Wendy Paine Miller said...

I loved the contrasts of your lists and what they represent! I am a list maker, too. I try to leave laundry off my list for as many days as possible. :D
~ Wendy