Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I'll remember for you

This last weekend, Greg made preparations for next weekend. What I mean can be summed up with two words - DEER SEASON. This next weekend is opening weekend, so the preceding trip is all about preparation. Apparantly, it is no fun to get all geared up to look like part of a tree, climb up in a stand in another tree at a unmentionable time of the morning (which for all pruposes can still be called night), settle in silently waiting, and then never have your feeder go off. Hee-hee. It kinda makes me laugh to think about, but it's so not funny. Anyway, Greg went to the lease.

So, the boys and I (all healed up and well) went to visit my Mom. My Granny was going to be at her house for the weekend as well. My sweet Granny has some form of dementia, and she has a really hard time remembering. Most of it, you have to let it go only because it makes you too sad to dwell on. And, sometimes, she's clear as a bell and can carry a conversation on about people and places. Most of the time, though, we remembered for her and did a lot of reminding. One of the boys favorite part of the weekend was when she offered to read a book, because they never turn that down. And, Granny delivered - snuggling and reading several books to the boys...

Saturday afternoon brought more bonus visitors. My sister-in-law came and brought their two sons. Daniel is 9 days older than Cameron, and the boys had a lot of fun playing together. Katin is now 6 months old, and he had a lot of fun letting me hold him. My mom had bought a Halloween cookie kit for the boys to decorate cookies...and eat cookies

or at least, lick all the icing off and eat the little candies that came with it...

Well, Granny quickly decided she needed to be in on the fun, so she asked for a cookie to decorate...

and then she asked for some pointers from Daniel.

It was a fun weekend - a little crazy, but fun

and exhausting...

Oh, and for those of you worried; the deer feeder was operating in perfect form!

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