Sunday, December 27, 2009


This time of year, I seem to always get a little reflective - I think about those who are no longer with us and we are spending the holidays again without, I think about those going through the holidays for the first time without a loved one, I think about those families whose loved ones are serving our country and missing their moms, dads, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters, I think about the soldiers so far from home, I think about those sick or alone. I think about all these people and pray. I think about all these people and remember how blessed I am.

Today, I think about two families in particular. Greg's cousin leaves in 5 short days for 6 months aboard a ship serving us in the Navy. He leaves his wife and three children. Six months. And, also for this family . This is my cousin's blog. I think about going through the diagnosis of cancer with a 6 month old when you should be celebrating a first Christmas. Six months.

So, take a moment today and pray for those around you, those far away, and those you don't know.


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